ASSURANT 200 INSECTICIDE Australia - English - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority)

assurant 200 insecticide

sherwood corporation (thailand) public company limited - fipronil - suspension concentrate - fipronil nitrile active 200.0 g/l - insecticide - asparagus | banana | broccoli | brussels sprouts | cabbage - head cabbages | cauliflower | corymbia spp. | cotton | eucalyptus p - australian plague locust | banana rust thrip | banana weevil borer | cabbage cluster caterpillar | cabbage moth | cabbage white butterfly | fig longicorn | garden or south african vine weevil | green mirid bug | migratory locust | mole cricket | mushroom or sciarid fly | onion or cotton seedling thrips | small plague grasshopper | spur-throated locust | sugarcane weevil borer | sugarcane wireworm | symphylid | white fringed weevil | wingless grasshopper | wireworm | cotton seedling thrips | cotton thrips | diamondback moth | dihammus vastator | garden centipedes | garden weevil | naupactus leucoloma | nomadacris guttulosa | onion thrips | south african vine weevil | symphylans

DELFORCE RESIDUAL INSECTICIDE Australia - English - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority)

delforce residual insecticide

sherwood corporation (thailand) public company limited - deltamethrin - suspension concentrate - deltamethrin pyrethroid active 10.0 g/l - insecticide - commercial/industrial premises | domestic pest control | freshly felled logs, poles, posts | pine logs - prior to debarking | pu - ant | bed bug | bird mite | carpet beetle | clothes moth | cockroach | family: anobiidae | family: bostrychidae | family: lyctidae | five-spined bark beetle | flea | house fly | mosquito | quarantine pests | silverfish | spider | adult mosquitoes | argentine ant | bedbug | beetle family anobiidae | beetle family bostrychidae | beetle family lyctidae | ctenocephalides spp. | ground fleas | large cockroach | niditinea spp. | pharaoh ant | small cockroach | tinea spp. | tineola spp.

HUMULIN I KWIKPEN 100 IU/ML Suspension for Injection Ireland - English - HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority)

humulin i kwikpen 100 iu/ml suspension for injection

eli lilly and company limited - insulin human - suspension for injection - 100 iu/ml - insulin (human)

HUMULIN M 100 IU/ML Suspension for Injection Ireland - English - HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority)

humulin m 100 iu/ml suspension for injection

eli lilly and company limited - insulin human - suspension for injection - 100 iu/ml - insulins and analogues for injection, intermediate- or long-acting combined with fast-acting

HUMULIN S 100 IU/ML Solution for Injection Ireland - English - HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority)

humulin s 100 iu/ml solution for injection

eli lilly and company limited - insulin human - solution for injection - 100 iu/ml - insulins and analogues for injection, fast-acting

PROZAC 20 MG/5ml Oral Solution Ireland - English - HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority)

prozac 20 mg/5ml oral solution

eli lilly and company limited - fluoxetine hydrochloride - oral solution - 20 mg/5ml - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

PROZAC 20 Milligram Capsules Hard Ireland - English - HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority)

prozac 20 milligram capsules hard

eli lilly and company limited - fluoxetine hydrochloride - capsules hard - 20 milligram - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors